Wednesday, September 21, 2011

32 second Macbeth play

Macbeth has never seen a day so foul or so fair at the same time to where it was fair and foul. he then heres a drum which signifies that macbeth is coming to scathe the king. Macbeth then says "So foul and fair a day i have not seen, refers to Macbeth soon to kill the king and take his place. All hail Macbeth that shall be king hereafter is what one of Macbeth s' men say after they get to the kings palace and are preparing to kill him. when he say if chance will have me king then chance will crown me he means that chance is on his side and wants him to be king. Unsex me here refers to a girl wanting to get with Macbeth. Macbeth says "is this a dagger i see before me and then kills the king and takes his place. The women Macbeth was with says we must clean this mess with water. When a man says "Fly good Fleance fly" it refers to someones son trying to get away, not really sure who's son but i would like to find out. after that macbeth is then killed and it is sad.

Two observations:

I saw in the script "Fly good Fleance, fly" but i didnt know who was saying the line.

And i also never found out who said "unsex me." Or what it ment.

Questions: who said fly good fleance fly? and who said unsex me and what did it mean?

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