Monday, September 26, 2011

Macbeth and the Ugly Witches

In my mind the witches look like 3 ugly old ladies with bad skin, raspy voices, hunched backs, and bad hair. They all of course have evil laughs to. The next character I can picture is Macbeth. I see him as a noble and fearless night built to be a leader. I think that he can and will achieve greatness later in the play.

When I think of a gross ugly witch (on the right) this is what I think of. When i usually see the witches in my head they are a lot uglier, but on google only so much comes up when you search "3 ugly witches". I know they are a little bit more human looking than most would think a witch would look like but this is all I have got. They are still very ugly though.

When i think of Macbeth the brave warrior that became the king this is what is see. Master chief (on the left) and Macbeth are both heros and fight for one cause. Although there are small differences they are nearly the same. They both fight to save humanity. But in Macbeth s' case he's just fighting to save a kingdom.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ambition and lettuce

Ambition is one of the things that pushes us and helps us through life. Without ambition you could not accomplish anything of importance. Ambition to me pertains primarily on the sport of lacrosse. With out ambition I would not have any desire to win or become better. But I pushed my self to go to every practice, game, and work out almost every night and it has helped me step my game up. If some one ever predicted my fortune, for example if someone told me I would become an astronaut when I turn 30 and I did I would be amazed but would just think they got lucky on the guess. Using ambition you can achieve your goals and go further in life completing achievements you never thought could be possible to do, say if your fat you could lose weight, or if you are stupid you can study harder, or even if your weak you can work out a lot and bulk up.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

32 second Macbeth play

Macbeth has never seen a day so foul or so fair at the same time to where it was fair and foul. he then heres a drum which signifies that macbeth is coming to scathe the king. Macbeth then says "So foul and fair a day i have not seen, refers to Macbeth soon to kill the king and take his place. All hail Macbeth that shall be king hereafter is what one of Macbeth s' men say after they get to the kings palace and are preparing to kill him. when he say if chance will have me king then chance will crown me he means that chance is on his side and wants him to be king. Unsex me here refers to a girl wanting to get with Macbeth. Macbeth says "is this a dagger i see before me and then kills the king and takes his place. The women Macbeth was with says we must clean this mess with water. When a man says "Fly good Fleance fly" it refers to someones son trying to get away, not really sure who's son but i would like to find out. after that macbeth is then killed and it is sad.

Two observations:

I saw in the script "Fly good Fleance, fly" but i didnt know who was saying the line.

And i also never found out who said "unsex me." Or what it ment.

Questions: who said fly good fleance fly? and who said unsex me and what did it mean?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kenny lorden
Mr. Parsons
pr. B

                                                            Class Wiki

“The boy reached through to the Soul of the World, and saw that it was part of the Soul of God was his own soul. And the he, a boy, could perform miracles.” Pg. 146

Screen shot 2011-09-12 at 6.34.15 PM.png“The child said to me ”if you come here you will find a hidden treasure” pg. 13-14

This picture makes me think of the universe and its soul dancing in space. What seem to be a man and a woman kissing lead me to think of it as Santiago and Fatima when they are reunited.

The theme connects to the soul of the universe theme.

Monday, September 12, 2011

What reminds me of the alchemist

Kenny lorden
Screen shot 2011-09-11 at 10.07.40 AM.pngMr. Parsons

I picked this photo because it reminds me of Santiago’s journey to the pyramids. He feels that he is so close and relieved to be there but then finds out the treasure is not there. And to top the treasure not being there he ends up getting robbed and beat up by a gang of thugs. In this picture you can see the pyramids, which represent the pyramids that Santiago is looking for in the book when searching for his treasure. And the man with the camel represents “Santiago”, on his way to find his treasure.

Why we study literature

Kenny lorden
Mr. Parsons

Why do we study literature? Before today I didn’t really have and idea why literature was study or what the point was for studying it. But I thought of and found a few reasons that made me understand why. We could benefit from the insight of other, open our minds to ambiguities of meaning, explore other cultures and beliefs, appreciate why individuals are the way they are, expand our grasp of the machination of history, work our brains, and help us see our selves as other do. I’m still not a fan of literature but at least now I know what we study it for.