In my mind the witches look like 3 ugly old ladies with bad skin, raspy voices, hunched backs, and bad hair. They all of course have evil laughs to. The next character I can picture is Macbeth. I see him as a noble and fearless night built to be a leader. I think that he can and will achieve greatness later in the play.
When I think of a gross ugly witch (on the right) this is what I think of. When i usually see the witches in my head they are a lot uglier, but on google only so much comes up when you search "3 ugly witches". I know they are a little bit more human looking than most would think a witch would look like but this is all I have got. They are still very ugly though.
When i think of Macbeth the brave warrior that became the king this is what is see. Master chief (on the left) and Macbeth are both heros and fight for one cause. Although there are small differences they are nearly the same. They both fight to save humanity. But in Macbeth s' case he's just fighting to save a kingdom.